Podcast 232: Josh Denning: A Master In Entrepreneurship Finds Success By Loving His Career

Published: Dec. 16, 2014, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs motivation packed podcast Join Up Dots is a man who can answer a lot of the bug questions that we have when building an online career.\\nHe believes that entrepreneurship should be easier than most of us make it, which is why so many people go looking for the get rich quick scheme.\\nSo, have\\xa0you ever realized that there was a way of life on offer that meant you could link up some buttons on a webpage, target some traffic and wait for money to roll in?\\nI\'m sure you have, but getting it to work is a totally different matter altogether.\\nWell todays guest is one of those men that doesn\'t just make it work, he can share the knowledge that he has built up since around 2004, with companies, organisations and individuals that are looking to harness the power of the worldwide web.\\nHe started playing around with online courses, and information products at first and after a modest start to milking the cash cow, studied in earnest the practices and psychology that had made the guys he worshipped very rich indeed.\\nHe had found his passion in life, which has continued to grow stronger after every success he has experienced.\\nBut our guest wasn\'t just fascinated with the cash, but also had a deep interest gained from his father to the words of Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn and Naploean Hill. to name just three.\\nHe bathed in the words of these men, and was fasinacted with the deep insight they all shared as to what made us tick, and do the things that we do.\\nOur guest knew that if he could bring together both interests into a workable, manageable platform then he would be rocking and rolling, and he could make money literally as he sleeped.\\nAnd that is what he has done, and now with his online show "The Tropical Entrepreneur" show, running alongside his online ventures, he has created a life that is location independent.\\nHe can literally up stick from his home in Thailand and take his job with him.\\nBut what was it about the world of online marketing that so excited him as a youngster?\\nAnd where does he feel that so many people make mistakes when they start to build a business online?\\nWell let\'s find out as we bring onto the show,\\xa0 to start joining up dots with the one and only freedom loving expert Mr Josh Denning.'