Podcast 229: David Kadavy: An Entrepreneur Who Designed A Career For Himself And The Hackers

Published: Dec. 13, 2014, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired business podcast is a man who looks like he is having a great time earning an income, building a business and helping start-ups across the globe to become successful.\\nAnd he seems to be playing to his authentic self, which really is when things start coming together at a rate of knots too.\\nAs he says on his blog" I ams the author of the #18 Amazon best-selling book, Design for Hackers: Reverse-Engineering Beauty.\\nAnd prior to writing Design for Hackers, I founded the Design departments at two Silicon Valley startups, and freelanced for clients such as oDesk, PBworks, and UserVoice.\\nI also launched numerous other careers and projects on my own, none of which failed hard enough to be worthy of mention in this bio."\\nBut although an amusingly self-depreciating summary of his adult working-life, he has found the career success that so many people are searching for travelling the world, speaking about design and entrepreneurship, and mentoring startups, including those at 500 Startups.\\nAnd if that doesn\'t sound good enough he also has the ability to choose to pop down to South America\\xa0 for a couple of months, when it gets too cold in his home in Chicago.\\nWhich sounds great if you can do it.\\nSo how has he managed to find the motivation and inspiration to have the fun in a life which for so many is just hard slog?\\nAnd what it is about startups that excites him so much?\\nWell let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, the one and only super entrepreneur himself Mr David Kadavy'