Podcast 22: Warren Whitlock: Motivation To Create A Career Through Freedom And Tweets

Published: May 20, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b"Today's guest entrepreneur joining us on the Join Up Dots business podcast interview is the go to person if you want to understand how to tweet but don't want to feel a twit. If you want the freedom to connect the world in 140 characters and build a business that rocks From entering the online world, back in 1981, he found his place and he has been earning a living and enjoying himself on the internet ever since. But what made him so successful, and lead to him becoming an author, radio host, blogger, public speaker, and business coach, all performed with style, charisma and charm. Well he realized that to be a success in the online space you have to develop relationships in the same way as you would nurture one in the real world. You have to interact, with integrity, humanity, and quite simply help others get what they wanted, which the late Zig Ziglar tought him back in the days. And its this human aspect of building businesses which has really set him apart, even getting him named as one of the Forbes\\u2019 Top 10 Social Media Power Influencers of 2013. So do\\xa0we talk to him about Twitter, social marketing, overcoming fear, the leap of faith, his radio show, or whats it like to live in Vegas? Well, I think I'll try to do the lot, whilst we have the brilliant, and did I say powerful and influential entrepreneur Warren Whitlock in the\\xa0house! Enjoy todays interview!"