Podcast 211: Michael Fishman: A Lifestyle Career Built On Being The Best

Published: Nov. 25, 2014, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a man who for over twenty years has remained a trusted advisor to brands and personalities on marketing, positioning and business growth, with special expertise in health and personal development.\\nDuring his career, he has directed some of the largest campaigns ever executed, with several acquiring in excess of 250,000 new paid customers.\\nHe knows the words to use, and the stance to take if you wish to separate yourself from the masses and give yourself the best possible chance to find the success that you deserve.\\nFinding the thing that well as we say everyday makes you authentic and much more appealing to everyone\\nBut according to him before you even think about expanding your universe, you need to fully understand what your market is and how your product fits into it.\\nYou need to dig down before you push out and conquer the world.\\nBut that is understandable if you are a business, but how does he create a path of success for individuals and personalities?\\nWhat questions are needed to be asked to give yourself the best chance of success, especially when starting a new business or developing a new idea?\\nWell, lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots the one and only Michael Fishman.'