Podcast 209: Martin Shervington: From The Comedy Clubs To Google + Mastery And A great Career

Published: Nov. 23, 2014, 5:01 a.m.

b'It\'s amazing the kind of business folk that I get to talk to on the Steve Jobs inspired top rated career advice podcast, who is doing things there own way.\\nIf you think of an expert in Google +, who knows more about the product than it seems Google do themselves you would probably\\xa0think of a teckie guy, mad hair, glasses...you get the idea.\\nYou wouldn\'t think of someone that loves writing comedy with a psychological twist, and likes nothing more than jumping up on stage and wowing the crowds with a few well placed rib ticklers.\\nEven studying at the San Francisco Comedy College for six months to fine tune his craft.\\nBut this is a guy who has built his own job that works.\\nHe has built a career that is full of motivation and fun, and I guess that is the perfect job.\\nWell that is the type of guy that we have on the show today, who started his life in Wales, and now fly\'s around the world supporting his clients, who in the main fail to grasp the power of Google+\\nHe teaches the processes that make this platform potentially the most under utilised area of the web today.\\nHe uses his studies in psychology to create a blueprint for us to follow to understand how organisations like Google use\\xa0psychology and how we...the internet uses\\xa0don\'t, but should.\\nHe is a man who Guy Kawasaki states is\\xa0"one of the most clever and hard working people you\'ll find." \\nSo where does he believe his true talents lie? \\nBeing an engaging and informative public speaker, executive coach, business consultant\\xa0and marketing psychologist, standup comedian or\\xa0windsurfing trainer.\\nYep, you didn\'t see that last one coming did you!\\nWell lets find out, as its with\\xa0great delight that I get to bring onto the show, to start joining up dots,\\xa0the one and only Mr\\xa0Martin Shervington.'