Podcast 19: Kimberly Burnham: Success Gained Through The Written Word & Great Interview Skills

Published: May 17, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest ready to join us on todays interview is a remarkable lady to be sure. A poet and co-author of World Healing, World Peace she asks the questions "What are you doing to create a better world?"And what do you want for your life and the lives of the children to come?And certainly she is taking her own questions to heart, as she strives daily to make a difference to everyone who is fortunate to meet her or come in contact with her work. What makes her a prime candidate to look back over her life and \\u201cJoin Up Dots\\u201d is not just to do with her creative output, but quite simply that her background seems to me less than usual to say the least. She spent part of her childhood living a life of freedoom in a Colombian jungle with her father, where she travelled extensively as a young woman, being in Tel Aviv Israel to watch the events of 9 -11 occur before her,to the fact that at the age of 54 when many people would have said \\u201cno that is going to be too hard\\u201d she climbed on her bike and cycled over 3,000 miles across the United States of America for charity.She is a lady that is driven to make a difference.And with writing credits on over 39 books, that she says she has written to help us feel better and function better because she believes people who feel better, make better choices for themselves, is there anything that she won\'t tackle head on. Well I am certainly glad that I made the choice to contact her to be on the show today, and of course I\'m glad that she said yes.So let me introduce to you the one and only entrepreneur Kimberly Burnham, PHD.'