Podcast 18: Kenny Felder: An Entrepreneur Man With No Plan, Limited Motivation But Loving Life

Published: May 16, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest being interviewed on todays Steve Jobs inspired podcast interview, could well have been created specially for a programme called Join Up Dots. His life has been well unplanned at the best of times. But I suppose it is having this freedom of choice which has allowed him to experience many things, that probably wouldn\\u2019t have seemed likely if he had planned. Building a career for himself that would have been the furthest point from where he hoped to be. Having huge success in an area that he couldnt have dreamt. Leaving University with two degrees"Physics" and "English", which he quite openly admits have been about as useful as a chocolate teapot, and certainly less than helpful to getting a great job, he found himself at a crossroads. His enthusiasm at a low point, his choices equally low, he stumbled into computers, and despite no interest in either them or programming ended up building a software company on his dining room table, that was bought by a long forgotten company called Microsoft. Whatever happened to Microsoft I ask you? Well that is just the beginning of his story, and with additional chapters entailing teaching maths to hundreds of students for over 16 years, writing a forthcoming book with his brother "Math Methods in Engineering and Physics", and I can only guess lots of other clever stuff, we better get going. But before that, one more thing, did I tell you that to this day he has no educational certification or credentials to his name either. So welcome to the show, someone who when I was at school I would have probably tried to keep out of the way of, today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur Mr Kenny Felder.'