Personal Finance

Published: Nov. 6, 2017, midnight

b'Personal Finance Expert Pete Matthew Shows Us How To Sort Out The Money My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who quite frankly I should have invited onto the show years ago. He has been on my radar for awhile, but for some reason or not has not been given the opportunity to join up\\xa0 his dots. He is a man who has blended so many vitally important skills being used in the online world today into a rocking and rolling business. He is a\\xa0Financial Planner, Podcaster, Video Blogger, Social Media Trainer. Managing Director of Jacksons Wealth Management, and best of all can teach us how to take control of our cash in ways that simply are life changing. As he says "I am a Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Financial Planner providing fee-based holistic financial planning advice in Penzance, West Cornwall. I am also an award-winning podcaster and video blogger. My passion is to spread the word that anyone can take control of their personal finances. I am fulfilling this passion via my financial education website and podcast, MeaningfulMoney. Through video, podcasting and social media I am reaching thousands of people every week with my simple financial planning message I set out to provide simple, accessible financial planning information to the masses, and decided that video might be a good way to do this, and through trial and error, built a site full of basic instructional video. Through my work with this site, I was awarded IFALife\'s Social Media Financial Adviser of the Year award 2010 and I won the Professional Adviser Financial Education award in both 2011 and 2012. I also received the Scottish Widows award for Industry Innovation in 2014, and was named UK Podcast of the Year in 2015. This is great stuff, and will of course make a great episode. So what made him continue through the trial and error stages of video content creation, when most people would have said "I\'ll just do what I am already doing...its easier?" And where do people go wrong with their money issues? Not looking after the money they already have, or being unaware of what is available to them out there in the big wide world? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Pete Matthew. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Peter Matthew\\xa0such as: How he started with the concept of his podcast as simply something to do as he fancied it.....and little by little has turned it into a monster. Why so many people can start a podcast, but in fact so many podcasters should actually be stopped from doing it and the reasons why. Pete shares how he managed to find the right business partners to hep him scale the business, and why he blended friends and business (which so many people are frightened off). and lastly\\u2026. We share the top three steps for getting your accounting system in place when you start creating a new business. And they are not as hard as they might seem at all.'