Personal Belief And Business Fun

Published: Nov. 23, 2018, midnight

b"In todays episode of Join Up Dots we talk about why it so important to build up your own personal belief which can deliver you to greatness. You see so many people look for outside influences for help in their lives and their businesses, when actually it's easier to grow the belief inside with your actions and successes. Add to that the belief that you can also have fun in your business then you are 100% cooking on gas. But most people in life struggle with this fact which is why Join Up Dots tries it's hardest to instill this belief into all of you. However todays\\xa0 show focuses on the following three emails, and of course to get the answers you need to listen to the show Dear David, I have been listening to your amazing podcast for the last few weeks since I heard you on the Meaningful Money Podcast. I am surprised that I hadn't heard of you before, but now I am hooked. One thing I would like to know is, through the Steve Jobs speech he talks about believing in something to help you through the dark times. I believe in God, and gain great comfort from knowing that I am supported by my God. Can I ask you what do you believe in, as I would love to know, Kind Regards Ahmad Sharzir, Yorkshire. Now for the second question that came to us all the way from Canada. Hi David, loving the show. The vibe is so different from every other show I have listened to, but manages to deliver even more top class business advice. I haven't listened to every show so did you always mess around and make jokes, or has this developed over the years. Whatever the answer keep em coming - Brenda Mitchell, Quebec Canada. And finally, Hi David, thank you so much for answering this email if you have the time. I imagine that you get thousands of messages. I have been doing your free training course and one of the things that keeps on coming out of the content is my love of Xmas. Do you think that I could create a business around this time of year, who does this put all my eggs in one basket. Ie profit from November to December and nothing for the rest of the year - Gillian Articha, Bournemouth England. Thanks as always for listening to the show and for sharing with your mates, we couldn't do it all without it."