Passive Income

Published: Jan. 15, 2018, midnight

b'How To Make Real Estate The True Smart Passive Income My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who has created huge success for himself almost from the first chance that he could. As he says "I knew from an early age that punching time clocks and working for someone else wasn\\u2019t enough for me, which is what drove me into building businesses myself and being my own boss. Living a healthy and active lifestyle has always been important to me, that\\u2019s why at the ripe ol\\u2019 age of 21, I built my first company that coached clients on effective nutrition and fitness strategies. I began to grow my team and recruited and hired an epic sales team to keep things running smoothly. I ran a successful multi-million dollar company before I was old enough to rent a car. As soon as I realized how profitable real estate investments could be, I bought my first home as an investment. One home quickly became five, and when those five were doing really well, I just couldn\\u2019t help but add more. I became obsessed with learning everything that I could about the business. Before I knew it, I had over 50 investment properties that were all performing well and the steady flow of passive income was proof of that. I was passionate and incredibly excited to tell everyone I knew about everything I learned. Today, I dedicate my time to mentoring other entrepreneurs, building my real estate investment portfolio, and helping other investors to build a brighter future through the power of passive real estate income." And now with his colleague Jeff Schechter, he is running the High Return Real Estate programme where they teach their students how to gain\\xa0high return real estate opportunities that are unavailable elsewhere. \\xa0 The processes of acquisition, rehabbing, placement of tenants, and management are fully systemized to deliver properties that are well below market pricing, and perform at much higher returns than you could secure through traditional sources. Sounds good doesnt it....but is it? Is it something that falls into the category of passive income, or one where you are battling with terrible tenants and hassles you wouldnt want for anyone? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Jack Gibson Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with\\xa0Jack Gibson such as: Jack shares the reasons why he loves passive income strategies and why he develops these in every way that he can throughout his business. Why it is so important to find the skills sets in others that complement each other. You just cannot build a business on your own. Why Jack admits to struggling with "never being enough" in his business a why he keeps hi vacations to a week at a time. and lastly\\u2026. Why McDonald\'s became the biggest land owners in the world because they knew where the value of their business was...and it wasn\'t hamburgers.'