Overcoming Fear

Published: Jan. 31, 2018, midnight

b'Overcoming Fear In Business, And Going For The Money Is What Holds So Many People Back From Business Success...Our Guest Is Very Different...... My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who has the classic story of living the up and down life of an entrepreneur She found herself in deep trouble, and by finding the route out of her own mess learnt what She is a seven-figure business coach who helps entrepreneurs build businesses that support their ideal lifestyles. After receiving her MBA from the Kellogg School of Management and working in marketing for L\\u2019Oreal Paris, she left corporate to start her first company \\u2013 and then her second company, Revenue Breakthrough. Within her first year in business, she racked up $25,000 in debt, investing in trainings & programs, and trying to launch her own products & programs, most of which flopped. After having her revenue breakthrough, she turned her business around and had ZERO dollars in debt the next year. Today, she helps her clients build, grow and expand their businesses and as she says\\u201d MOST ENTREPRENEURS WORK TWICE AS HARD AS THEY NEED TO AND MAKE HALF AS MUCH MONEY AS THEY COULD\\u201d At Revenue Breakthrough we support you to focus on the actions that make money now. We empower you to build a team, create processes, and scale your business \\u2013 and to take real time off. And now with presentations across the world, and the release of her books Getting Rich: You\\u2019re Doing It Backwards and Pause: 52 Questions that Lead to More Money and Time. she is certainly walking the walk, and talking the talk like no other. So looking back is it clear as to the mistakes she made, or is it still a mystery why she failed? And is building success more a mindset shift, or gaining the right business knowledge? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Monica Shah Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Monica Shah such as: How Facebook can be such a poisonous world to frequent, allowing us a glimpse into a world that might not actually be true\\u2026but is so enticing. Why so many people spend time on the things that wont bring income into their business, and how to overcome this fear. Sometimes it\\u2019s better to think several generations ago, when their wasn\\u2019t so many options for connecting with people. Go simple and knock on doors. and lastly\\u2026. Why the world wont stop if you get a no in your life, and neither will your business. No\\u2019s are just placing you one step closer to the next big Yes.'