Online Marketing

Published: Sept. 13, 2017, midnight

b'Online Marketing Made Easy is our discussion on today\'s show with online marketing expert Mark Fortune My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who brings a very different flavour to what we generally see on the show everyday. More often than not we talk about growing a business that attracts customers across the world He believes the most exciting part of the marketing world is working with small businesses. Yes, the ladies and gentlemen that we drive past everyday in our own towns, and neighbouring communities. And the reason for this small town approach? Well as it states on his official page: The technology and media landscape today makes it easier than ever before for a small business to compete and win against large competitors Small businesses are fun to work with, and results are easiest to see in small businesses; if something doesn\\u2019t work, it\\u2019s easiest to change in a small business Life is too short to spend the majority of your time doing things that aren\\u2019t fun, aren\\u2019t productive or aren\\u2019t leading to positive results. But how did he get to this point of realisation that his future was closer to home than perhaps he first recognised? Well it seems to me that after moving through many different positions within the marketing world, it was when he performed the role of Instructor of Marketing at Arkansas University for two years. We will find out if this is true, but more often than not our future becomes evident to us when we are directing other peoples futures. It\'s at these moments when the words that come out of our mouth, stop us in our tracks and make us think "Wow...its ok talking this, but Im not doing this myself!" Well lets find out this is true, as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Mark Fortune.'