Online Income

Published: May 19, 2017, midnight

b'Online Income anyone? Well my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who went from delivering pizzas for $8 an hour to creating a full-time online income in 1996. As he says "I created my first web business online from scratch in 1996. Within just a few months I was earning a full-time online income and quit my last dead-end job of delivering pizzas for living. Within 2 years I was being asked to share at some of the earliest internet business conferences. This business was eventually sold in 2004. I retired for 18 months before the itch started again to help other entrepreneurs with their online funnels and systems." And now in the past 20 years, he has personally helped thousands of clients set-up profitable Internet Lifestyles in hundreds of different markets through both his private and group coaching programs. He has been called one of the grandfathers of Internet marketing and was one of the first online marketers to demonstrate the power of email, generating $96,250 from one email to his list in front of a live audience. Now he spends his time helping small business entrepreneurs attract high quality clients, spot conversion cracks on their websites, and earn a big income even from small email lists. As he says "Way too many business owners accept long hours and stressful work as the only way to make it. It doesn\\u2019t have to be that way. You can have a great income and have a full life as well. Being a workaholic isn\\u2019t required\\u2026and it\\u2019s not even healthy. My motto is Earn More, Work Less, and Enjoy Life!" So back in 1996 the internet was a shadow of what it is today, so is it easier to achieve success and earn online income now or harder because of these changes? And what does he think comes first "The amazing idea that will change the world" or simply to turn the computer on and start dabbling? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Terry Dean Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Terry Dean such as: Why Terry sees Confidence being as one of the first hurdles to overcome when growing a business. You have to believe that you can succeed before you ever get a glimpse of what you want to create. "I have this audience what can i sell them" should be the first thing that people ask before starting the process of product creation. However very few people actually do this. Don\'t ever be nervous about speaking to people online or offline. Feedback is vitally important to the success of a business so get out there and start talking. and lastly\\u2026. Why nothing should hold us back from creating a business. Use the tools that are available to us across the web and start trying. You wont get it right straight away, but you wont ever get it right if you don\'t start.'