Online Expert

Published: Dec. 11, 2017, midnight

b"My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a lady who has been creating her success from the ground up in amazing effect. Starting her journey around the same time that Join Up Dots launched, she has been out there every day, hustling, upskilling and sharing her talents with the world She is the\\xa0President & CEO of Marketing to Crush Your Competitors, is also an Online Business Strategist, Professional Speaker, Author and Podcaster. She works with entrepreneurs, coaches and startups to build their online platform so they can be seen as an authority, connect with influencers and cash in on their knowledge. She has published 3 books (one a best seller!), been featured on Forbes and\\xa0The Huffington Post. As a former elite athlete, including playing in the PanAm games, and a former physiotherapist helping her clients get to their optimum health, she is a genius at mapping out a strategic path to victory. But to be honest, you can throw all the big words in the world in her direction and it will never show the simple fact, that she cares. She cares about her business. She cares massively about her clients. She cares about making the most of each day. And that is part of what we will talk about today....loving something so much that your bring into the world something that you couldn't imagine at the beginning So is her business where it is because of the struggles she has overcome or the successes that came easily? And what is the biggest issue that her clients bring to her, stopping them from achieving the same success? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Fabienne Raphael Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Fabienne Raphael such as: Why Fabienne has made the decision to change their name of her podcast, and what that means to her audience. Fabienne shares how she wasn't born to be an entrepreneur, but was willing to hustle. develop and make mistakes until she could 100% class herself as one. Why so many people make the mistake of seeing the small shoots of financial reward start to grow, and then going and starting something else. Why we should make more effort to get out and see real people in our business. You can't develop as quickly if you just stay in front of your computer all the time. and lastly\\u2026. How a newborn has allowed her to become uber focused on the tasks that will grow her business massively."