Online Courses

Published: Aug. 9, 2017, midnight

b'Online Courses are what the world are delivering nowadays. And my guests today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview are a couple that know how to build online courses better than most people. They are a couple who quite simply, stopped looked at their life and then made it what they want. And with the greatest respect to both of them, and we will discuss this in the interview they are what you would call normal. A normal couple, with a normal lifestyle, normal kids but an extraordinary way of making decisions and enough of them to make things work the way they want. They are the owners of the Flipped Lifestyle business, where through their own mistakes, successes and consistency they now teach people the route to success in their own business. They teach how to create businesses that work around a family instead of the other way. As they say "In 2012, on a rare day off work, Shane stumbled across a podcast about regular people changing their lives through online business. We started brainstorming about how we could do this too, and started a couple of websites just to see what happened. No one could have prepared us for what happened next. In just a few short months, we were able to make thousands of extra dollars each month through online business. Just one year later, we surpassed the five figure mark in online sales for a single month. When our August 2013 sales surpassed $36,000, we decided it was time to stop working for someone else and start living for our family." And now with sales in excess of one million dollars all earned online, they travel the globe, in their shorts and sneakers, smiling broadly from ear to ear, as there community of wannabe entrepreneurs grows their smiles with them. So looking back on their lives as hard working teachers, do they think that the ability to change a life so dramatically is more down to mindset or talent? And was it really a rocket ship to success they launched, with a doubt that it would fail? Or did they go through the same issues as the rest of us? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only\\xa0Shane & Jocelyn Sams Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Shane & Jocelyn Sams\\xa0 such as: Why freedom means so much to both Shane and Jocelyn certainly more than money can ever do, which is a surprise to so many people that they meet. Jocelyn shares why both her and Shane decided to become teachers, and how they were actually quite content in their lives, but now see that they had given control of their lives away. Why you don\'t have to be an expert to sell online products, instead you actually only have to present it to the people on the road behind you. and lastly\\u2026. Shane talks about the first 11 cents that he earnt online and how he was so excited he literally jumped out of bed and jumped up and down knowing his life had changed forever.'