Online Business

Published: Oct. 1, 2017, midnight

b'Todays guest is the co-founder of OpenWorld, the world\\u2019s #1 resource for active lifestyle creators. What that means is instead of finding a job to fund your lifestyle, you create your lifestyle and then find ways to fund it. If you want to be an underwater basket weaver then work out how much you need to earn to do this, and then go out and find different ways of funding this. Be creative with the choices that you make to achieve your dreams. Don\\u2019t be pigeon holed by what people tell you is the normal route to success. Do things your way, and love every second of your life. Well todays guest has always had that entrepreneurial spirit and since the age of 9 has loved to flex his hustle muscle. And with a history entailing going from broke ramen-eating college graduate to growing a profitable online business and pursuing lifestyle design with reckless abandon. And through his many adventures around the world has been robbed, fallen from bridges and motorbikes, hugged exotic animals, and nearly died several times in pursuit of his dreams. He is now a man who literally can call the world his home, and the planet his playground. So what was about him that made him up for the challenge to brush himself down and go again when things got tough? And why would he say that the world hasn\\u2019t quite bought into the belief that they can literally create the life of their dreams? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Danny Flood Show Highlights During the episode we discussed such weighty topics such as: How Google no longer want highly educated people, but want people who are humble and aware of their weaknesses. How he journeyed through Vietnam on a motorbike intoxicated by the feeling of freedom How your vision and mission are far more important than the goals that you set for yourself. How buying an island is the dream that so many people have, but more often than not is not the end goal they should be searching for. And lastly\\u2026.. How he believes in the words \\u201cHow perfectionism in the unwillingness to be uncomfortable\\u201d and what they mean to him.'