One Listeners 809 Day Goal

Published: Dec. 30, 2020, 9:21 a.m.

b'What does it take to start a new business that brings you the lifestyle that you want? Well it all starts with setting a firm and consistent goal that brings us closer everyday to the life we want. On todays show we reveal an email that one listener sent to us that really shows that they have got the mindset fix that they need. Sell Yourself To Us: Hi David. I would like to invite myself to be a guest on your show in 809 days. I have no business, no idea what that could be and I had been failing at online money making since about 2008. Not that I actually really truly tried! I thought I did. Yes, cliche, that 809 days is my 40th birthday, but I had to pick a goal and a date so here it is. I am not quitting my job, I do not even have a lot of time. I had never been very creative and I am super shy. I have zero hobbies and passions, and never had, and I do not even have a decent career to share knowledge online. I have no reasons to believe that this time will be any different than any other of the past times I bought online course and was motivated and inspired and achieved nothing other than feeling I am really stupid. But they say you gotta do sth different to have different results. Well, publicly committing to a goal and inviting myself to talk to someone is like the most insane thing I had done in a decade. Yes, I am a bit ashamed on how boring my life is. Smart people seem to be saying that failure is how you learn so either way this has to be a win. Either I make good progress and some $$$ or I am going to learn some stuff. I did step one of your free course and figure out what is my roof-over-my-head-$-number and was shocked on how small it is. It has to be possible! You seem like a nice guy who likes to help people. I mean, I might be wrong, you could be an asshole, I only listened to 3 episodes so far, but I was told I am a good judge of character so I am going to stick to the helpful guy for now.... Sooooo how about this: I am going to make half of my current roof-$-amount between 03/2022 and 03/2023 and make notes on the way and we can talk about it. Seems like a good episode to me. OK, I will be honest I wrote the whole amount and than thought that it is stupid to focus on money because I cannot control it. I can only control the process and do not want to feel like a failure if I make less. BUt than I feel like I am not aiming high enough and setting low goals afraid of failing. So clearly, I have not figure that part out yet. But I am a super honest person. And super self-critical. I do not lie to myself. I think that doing is the whole goal here. I will tell you if I did not give it my best even if I made x2 the roof dollars. Social Media Links: nothing here either'