One Line Question And Answers (BUSINESS)

Published: Feb. 22, 2019, midnight

b'In today\\u2019s episode of Join Up Dots, David Ralph answers a series of questions that have been posed by his clients from the last few years. The one caveat to the whole thing was it just had to be one line questions which we can then answer on the show. So here they are, and now you have to listen to the show to get the answers. Hi, David, what is a normal day for you? What is the favourite thing you do through your business, and the worst? Why did you start Join Up Dots podcast? If you could do something different what would it be? What was the biggest mistake you made whilst working online? Is it true that you don\\u2019 work on social media? I\\u2019ve seen you on twitter and FB that is why I ask? Why do you think that most people fail in online business? Do you make plans for what you want to do moving forward? You are amazing at what you do for us, why did it take you so long to start? How quick do you think success can be made online? Who you you admire most and why? I\\u2019ve heard you don\\u2019t go to conferences, but everyone else says that are a big part of business. Why don\\u2019t you go? Is it true you used to be a keynote speaker?'