One Golden Nugget (MINDSET)

Published: March 4, 2019, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest is a man who has had one of the most eclectic careers that I have ever seen.With just a few of the highlights or low-lights being such as "Been in a boy band, Wished I was in a successful boy band! ,Swept floors in a factory, Managed acts on X Factor and written contestant songs, Flown Concorde, Written hit records, including 1 Pop Idol winners record, Drunk Champagne with Charles & Liz at Buck House, Been to rock bottom twice, started a business with Duncan Bannatyne, Ended a business with Duncan Bannatyne" and now he is in the digital business.Wow, there is certainly a story behind this guy for sure.As he says " For all the many high points, I\\u2019ve also experienced more temporary failure than is good for one person. There have been many, many periods in which I have made a complete hash of things when I\\u2019ve snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and flopped on the final furlong. I\\u2019ve tripped on the finish line so often I\\u2019ve questioned my own sanity.If there was a lesson to be learned I\\u2019ve lived it, studied it, absorbed it, taken it on board and then ignored it many times over \\u2013 even when I think I\\u2019ve understood it I\\u2019ve had to go through it again a few times to really know what it means.And that is a great life lesson, right there \\u2013 the situation that slaps you will keep repeating until you learn the lesson.If there\\u2019s one thing I have realised over the years it is that with every challenging life situation there is always the seed of opportunity and the hope of brilliance within it. You just have to look for it and be open, which can be difficult when the shit is hitting the fan, but if you are ever going to be successful you must embrace this skill with open arms.Now he is bringing those amazing life lessons to the world through a new book One Golden Nugget where he is asking the world what is there view on where success is hidden.So does he lay in bed, with his hand behind his head and smile at the journey he has been on? Content that it has put him where he was always heading?Or was there a door that he could have walked through back in the day which was the perfect one?Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Steven Foster Show Highlights During the show we discussed such deep subjects with Steven Foster such as:How he honestly thinks he hasn\'t got the mental intelligence to know if something is going to be difficult before starting. Is that a super-talent or hindrance?Steven shares how he went into his bedroom with depression and didn\'t come out for over a year.How Steven failed at so many things that he didn\'t want to do, he finally decided that he would only go for what he loved.And lastly\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026..Why life is about the journey as much as the rewards, but without fail the rewards are always in the present moment, no matter how much we think otherwise.'