
Published: May 14, 2017, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots free business podcast interview, is a man where you think where do I start? This is a man with three distinct areas of his life, which he calls his key stories. One being an explorer, one being an adventurer, and one being the start of his entrepreneurial life. When he was in Berlin back in 2006, he was like all of us, and was in a bit of a funk. He was studying computer science, but had no idea how to make a living from the subject that he was learning. And we hear this time and time again from people across the world. You start in a world of confusion, unsure of anything, even what you are doing at that time, but that is ok. Even though throughout your life you may have times when you are lost and unsure of your next move you only have to do two things. Gain as much knowledge whilst you are in that position, as there are gifts in your confusion. And then secondly say \\u201cYes\\u201d to things, to put yourself in new experiences where those learnings start to make sense. And that is what our guest did, as without a clue to his future, a friend phoned him one day and his life started to change forever As he says\\u201d I got a call from a friend who\\u2019s hobby it was to use an old press ID card to sneak into expensive conferences to network and eat free food. He said: \\u201cYou need to come to the Hyatt Hotel, there is a Ruby on Rails conference and the food is amazing\\u201d. \\u201cRuby on what??\\u201d he replied. It was a fairly new programming language back in 2006. Free food sounded good though, so an hour later he was standing at the buffet and filling my plate with heaps of tasty salmon. A recruiter standing next to him, who had paid $1000 be there, asked if he wanted a job \\u2013 working with Ruby on Rails! He pretended to have some experience and accepted this offer. From that moment on, while studying, he worked 2 days a week programming in various startups as a freelancer, all thanks to his desire to eat fish.\\u201d And that is where we will start today\\u2019s episode of Join Up Dots, even though I have no idea myself where this conversation is going to go. So does he still have episodes of confusion in his life, or is it now a seamless journey of experiences and success, as he travels around the world inspiring others to create a life on their own terms? And does he look back at his life and now see gifts in the dark times when he didn\\u2019t have a clue, which powers the belief to keep moving forward in his life? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Fabian Dittrich.'