Nola Crystals A Gem Of A Business

Published: Nov. 27, 2020, midnight

b'Introducing Nola Crystals Nola Crystals is the main focus for todays Join Up Dots business coaching podcast episode. This is a brand new business recently started by a listener of Join Up Dots, which is going to do very well for itself. The reason as you will hear on the show is mainly it has started, and also it is providing something that people already want and buy in numbers. This is always a great business to get into, where you can already see others having success in your field. So without further ado, lets begin with Nola Crystals and also answering a few other questions too. Question One - Nola Crystals Review Hey David! Let\\u2019s start with how quickly \\u201cJoin Up Dots\\u201d can work. One very small example in my life: Last Friday I watched a film about Steve Jobs (I love him) Saturday: I simply typed in \\u201cSteve jobs\\u201d into Apple podcasts. All I wanted to listen to was inspirational information from the genius himself Saturday: I found your podcast Saturday - Monday (today): I\\u2019m eight episodes deep into your show and I\\u2019ve learned so much VALUABLE information that I didn\\u2019t know in relation to tips I could apply to my own business that I\\u2019ve started last month I typed \\u201cVALUABLE\\u201d in all caps because the common denominator I have heard from you and Steve Jobs (amongst other sources) is that value is key in relation to your customers So, over the course of a few days I\\u2019ve joined up the dots and I\\u2019m already richer in knowledge so thank you! It would mean the world to me if you would head over to my website and tell me what you think. I won\\u2019t tell you anything about the business because I\\u2019d like to see from an average consumers point of view what their first impression is and if they can navigate the website with ease and get to a \\u201cmoney page\\u201d in \\u201cone click.\\u201d I started the business the first week of October this year. I\\u2019ve had two sales and started SEO the beginning of October. I understand SEO is a longer process. Thanks David! Ps: I\\u2019m typing this whilst on a treadmill so if there are any spelling mistakes let\\u2019s just blame the treadmill and not me! :) Question Two - Does Confidence Make A Difference David, loving the show. I have a question for you, which i think I am picking up through your content. It seems to me that online success comes as much from your own confidence and belief than the business itself? Would this be true, as I think if it is, i have discovered potentially what might be going wrong with my ventures. I dont think that i truly believe in myself enough, so keep on pivoting to start something new? Thanks for your answer if you have the time and all the best for your future plans Paul Samuels, St George Utah Question Three - Passion or Boring Business? Hi David, i would love you to do a show on finding ideas for businesses as this is something that i struggle with. Do you think that a boring business, functional but needed is better than one that fills the passion zone that people talk about. Jim Rhapsody Question Four - Should I Start A Podcast Hi Join Up Dots...What would be your advice for starting a podcast nowadays. It seems that everyone has a podcast. Celebrities have podcasts. Celebrities have audiences. Do you think that you can start one in 2021 and still get an audience that I can monetize as successfully as you have? Melanie Ferrell, Ashton-in-Makerfield'