
Published: Feb. 21, 2018, midnight

b'Erica Mandy Showing The World How To Be Truly News Worthy My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a lady who started on a career path that the world would say was sexy, and then deciding it wasn\'t for her and going a totally different direction. Leaving the Indiana University Bloomington, and the University of Missouri-Columbia with degrees in Journalism, our\\xa0guest spent the last decade -- on TV, radio and online -- reporting news and sharing stories around the country. First working for Newsy,\\xa0an over-the-top news network that provides "news with the why," built to inform and engage by delivering today\'s top stories across platforms. Its content is available in on-demand and to Los Angeles CBS News, where she would report national and local news for the second largest news market in the country.\\xa0 As a TV news reporter, she was live on the scene during terrorist attacks, wildfires and federal court rulings, to name a few. She\'s interviewed politicians, CEOs, experts, and everyday people doing extraordinary things and it seemed that she was loving every second. So what was going on internally to make her\\xa0quit her job as a Los Angeles TV news reporter to launch\\xa0theNewsWorthy: a daily roundup of politics, tech, business and entertainment Which she says "Makes it faster, easier and way more fun to get all the news you need to know. Listen on-the-go in less than 10 minutes, Monday through Friday." Is this an inspired move into a world that consumes information when and where they want it? Or has she taken on a world that is already dealing with tsunami of information and now zoning out? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Erica Mandy Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Erica Mandy such as: Erica shares how all her hard work and experience over the last decade has left her with the skills to progress to where she wants to be. No experience is ever wasted no matter what you may think at the time. We discuss that moment in your life when you realise that your business is actually a nuisance and there are things you just have to do away from work. Erica reveals that she has given herself a year to see what she can make of her new venture, safe in the knowledge that she can always get a job if needed. We dont have to end in despair, but we do need something to give us the courage to move forward with. and lastly\\u2026. Why Donald Trump\'s fake news is such big news at the moment, and how the world feels about such reporting.'