New Business Idea From A Listener

Published: July 3, 2020, midnight

b"A New Business Idea Is Born In today's episode we take a look at a new business idea created by a listener of Join Up Dots. She sent an email through to the show asking for help around her new business idea South Coast Dinner Society. The idea of this business is quite simply to take away the uncomfortable side of meeting someone new nowadays. Especially as we get older, and perhaps have seen other relationships fall to the wayside. Our listener thinks that she can fulfil this gap in the market in a way that hasn't been seen before. We agree with her 100%, This is a new business idea that will work, as long as she does the right thing. The Original Email We Received Hi, I came across your podcast when out walking my dogs the other day and I have been listening to quite a few of them and really impressed...... About me! I am a single 55 year old single lady and I work full time as a Business Development Manager for Solent University. I am originally from Northern Ireland and have mainly been in a hospitality, venue, arena hospitality management for many years. After being single for 2 years and missing the event side of hospitality I decided that there are so many people like me who do not want to internet date and meeting in bars like we used to when we were in our 20s is not an option any more and I found out also that so many, like me have become quite set in our ways and not so easy to start the whole relationship. There are many 'anorak's who have groups for walking, book clubs etc but I wanted to create something that was comfortable and liked minded, which is hard to get across over email. Please take a look at my self created web site and this is the point where I need to tell you that I have literally nothing for marketing etc, due to owning my last house literally outright, selling it when I met my partner and then him going bankrupt with my I need to grow organically. I know I have a good NEW business idea...but I did hear the Australian SEO guy say if you dont have any money to start your business then start knocking doors, which is not possible in what I want to do but made me think that I haven't got a hope, so maybe cut my losses!! The Quick Fixes For All New Business Idea Quick Fix One Lets start with a quick overview of the episode. First of all, marketing is not hard with a little bit of planning. We need to know what we are offering, what is our USP, and then start finding out where the people are that want that stuff. Quick Fix Two We need to make sure that our business website is running as fast as possible to ensure that traffic gets through to us. There is no point in building a business that doesn't load on a phone or handheld device. We need to make sure that we know our site speed and assess any improvements that we can make by using the following link. Quick Fix Three Once we get our new business idea operating really fast, we then need to make sure that it looks good for all devices. Most of us build our new business idea on desktop, or laptop as its easier to see. We can overcome this by using the link below that shows how our site looks on a myriad of devices. Quick Fix Four Before we start marketing our business, we need to build up our keywords list and find the low hanging fruit. We can start this process quite simply by getting a range of words that people might use to find us. In this case we will take the word DATING and start writing other words that people might use."