
Published: April 25, 2016, midnight

b'Todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast interview is a networking expert, who spends his time networking with millionaires...and their advisors, who has a story like so many entrepreneurs I have spoke to. He started his life with limited idea of what he wanted to become, and even less of an idea of how to start something\\u2026in fact anything.\\xa0 As he says \\u201d I was born in Denmark it all started out pretty bad. I was very shy and introverted and had no idea what I wanted in life, except I didn\\u2019t want to be employed. So with no real business education I started my first business at 21. Since I had no marketing know how, it only took me a year to run my business deep into the ground and go bankrupt.\\u201d But there comes a time when you realise that after years of study at school, that most of us want to leave far behind, you need to get serious and study like your life depends on it. You need to become an expert in something that can open doors across the world. Our guest realised that its ok to have an amazing business idea or product, but unless people find out about it, you are dead in the water.\\xa0 And so with a total obsession he set to work understanding the skills required to become a top marketer. And so successful was he at learning these skills, that he built a worldwide business and retired whilst still a young man. And like all the greatest sportsman who find out that retirement isn\\u2019t all its cracked up to be, he returned to teach entrepreneurship and marketing and set out to create\\xa0one of London\\u2019s biggest entrepreneurial communities with almost 17,000 ACTIVE members. All from just \\xa33,500 in total marketing costs.\\xa0 As he says \\u201cBefore you think I\\u2019m one of those people that think they can walk on water 24/7, I\\u2019m definitely not. In fact I\\u2019ve made some big mistakes that I\\u2019m quite embarrassed about. But I\\u2019m not afraid to admit it and talk about my boo-boo\\u2019s especially because I know it can save someone else from the same ill fate.\\u201d So why did he always know that he didn\\u2019t want to employed even as a small child? And what were the really big mistakes and how did he mentally recover to keep moving forward? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Patrick Powers'