Navid Moazzez: A Man Who Created His Own Brand Identity And Is Helping The World Develop Their Own Too

Published: July 6, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Our guest today seems to be a man on a mission.Since first coming to my attention early last year,he has blazed a path across the online world on as many different platforms as he can.He is an inspiring lifestyle entrepreneur, online marketer, blogger, podcaster and personal branding strategist which isn\\u2019t a bad list to build a life changing income from.Originally from Stockholm, Sweden, his mission in life is to help and inspire others to be able to have a life that is 100% on their own terms. If you want to choose your hours, income, lifestyle, or just have\\u2026.well a great time whilst you are on this planet then you couldn\\u2019t choose a better resource to turn too. He is extremely passionate about helping entrepreneurs, aspiring lifestyle entrepreneurs and small business owners with their branding strategy, building their authority and personal brand online. He is the host of the very popular podcast The Lifestyle Architects where he interviews inspiring and successful lifestyle entrepreneurs, but of course this is just a small part of what makes him who he is.So how has he done it?How has he achieved the success that he is getting? And what is a lifestyle entrepreneur exactly? Well lets find out as we start joining up the dots with the one and only Navid Moazzez'