Music Lessons

Published: March 5, 2017, midnight

b'Todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the top rated podcast inter Join Up Dots is a slight departure from what we have seen recently. Elizabeth grew up in New York State, where she sang pop songs by Madonna around the house and started writing her own pop songs at an early age. Then when she was nine years old her school music teacher told her she had the voice of an opera singer, and took her to see her first opera. Her great-grandfather was a virtuoso musician who signed with Victor Records in the 1890\\u2019s, but no one else in her family ever listened to classical music. Which is a really interesting position to find yourself in. Most people will struggle with fighting their way to a new future even if they are surrounded by people that have the same passion as them. But find yourself in a world, where very few people understand what is going on inside you then it comes down to a huge amount of hustle muscle, and personal belief. And so she worked at her talent, found the right people to work with and a few years later sang her first classical piece, and has never looked back. But even more interesting is her refusal to do things any other way than her own, and is blending many different styles into her repertoire, even comedy with an off the wall version of \\u201cHot Stuff\\u201d by Donna Summer. So with all the avenues in front of her to travel, how does she make the decisions that will be right for her own career, and not dilute her natural born talent? And does she embrace the hustle that it takes to build a career, or would she like to just get up there and belt them out? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Elizabeth Tyron. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Elizabeth Tryon such as: Why Madonna is such a great role model for anyone struggling with lack of focus and an inability to deal with the knocks that life will deal you. Why being authentic to yourself and living a life on your own terms is the only way to go as it leads to finding your tribe so much quicker. How the hustle muscle is not something she likes doing, but has learnt how to let things simply figure themselves out.. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026.. How it is so important to find the sweet spot within your own talent to maximise the rewards for the minimum effort.'