Motivational Quotes

Published: Sept. 1, 2017, midnight

b'Motivational quotes are everywhere in life, and its not a surprise when the world is looking for help to create their own futures. When the world is looking for help to truly believe that they can so something remarkable and amazing during their life on this world. Amazing statements of truth and inspiration from the famous, no-famous and go getters through history. So in todays episode we discuss, in response to a listeners email, why we play the motivational quotes that we play, and what they mean to us. If you have listened to an episode of Join Up Dots you will hear four main motivational quotes, from Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey, Rocky Balboa and Steve Jobs. Of course the Steve Jobs speech was the one that inspired the creation of the show and is the motivational quote, that pins everything together. But what about the other motivational quotes? Why did we pick them? Well that was a question that was asked to us by Connor McCarthy who wrote from his home in Cambridge Uk, "David, thanks so much for making such inspiring content for us all to listen to. I have been consuming your shows daily since discovering them and I would like to ask a s question. In regards to the motivational quotes that you play...will you ever change them, and why did you specifically choose them to play?" Well Connor, great question as this was the first time that we have ever been asked this, and certainly gave us a great content for another episode. So lets asnwer your questions starting with the first of teh motivational quotes that we play by the American commedian Jim Carrey. A few years back Jim, stood up at a commemcent speech for graduatuing students in America and told a fascinating story of how his father settled for a life of "Safety" instead of going for a life that he loved. You see he didnt quite bleive that he had it in him to become a top accountant, and played safe, for his families sake. And yes, you could argue that he was trying to pay the bills, and support his family for the long term, but in life things are rarely ever for the long term. Life has a way of hitting you when you least expect it, and that was certainly the case when Jims father\'s safe route got turned on its head as you can see below. "My father could have been a great comedian, but he didn\'t believe that was possible for him. So, he made a conservative choice and instead he got a job as an accountant." Then Carrey reveals the moral of the story. "When I was 12 years old, he was let go from that safe job," he added. "Our family had to do whatever we could to survive. I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which is that you can fail at what you don\'t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love." So this isnt a speech about doing the crazy and going for what you want, but it certainly is one about truly believing in yourself and going for something that you can control and nobody else can take away from you. But of course how do you know what you want to go for in life? How do you decide where your future lies, when you are so ingrained in just living life? Well that is why we play motivational quotes such as the one provided by Oprah Winfrey. Oprah believes, that we all know where we are heading we only have to look inside ourselves and listen to our gut intuition. She offers many many motivational quotes everyday, but this was the one the resonated with us at Join Up Dots, and works closely with the "Lets Believe" speech that Jim Carrey delivered. "The way through the challenge is to get still and ask yourself, \'What is the next right move? What is the next right move?\' and then, from that space, make the next right move and the next right move. There is no such thing as failure; failure is just life trying to move us in another direction." So we can see that as long as we take our advice of what we want, we believe, and we get quiet every now and again and truly listen to what our hearts are telling us then we are half way there. Sound simple? Yeah of course it does, as all motivational quotes have a way of making it simple, that is why they are motivational quotes after all. But one thing for sure is, it all comes down to you. Nobody else is going to make your life the way that you want. Nobody else is going to put money in your bank account, love in your life, or allow your the freedom to make choices everyday. It all comes down to you being willing to move forward and keep on going, even when life tries its hardest to knock you on your feet and try to stop you. Guess what? Although these are the hardest times in your life. They are in fact the times that will help you more than any of the quick wins that come your way. These are the times that will make you assess your struggles, look at what you are doing wrong, and come back stronger. Said in a different way, these are the GOLD that makes a ife remarkable. Therefore, out of all the motivational quotes in the world that we could have chosen, we landed in the world of movies, with the legendary boxer Rocky Balboa. In the last outing for the Italian Stallion, ROcky delivers a powerful speech to his son, who has lost his way in his life and is blaming everyone but himself for the situation he has found himself in. These are hugely powerful words and simply had to be one of the motivational quotes that we play on the show everyday. \\u201cLet me tell you something you already know. The world ain\'t all sunshine and rainbows. It\'s a very mean and nasty place, and I don\'t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain\'t about how hard you hit. It\'s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That\'s how winning is done! That is so true. Winning is made by having the toughest jaw that you could possibly imagine. Being willing to take the blows, dust yourself down and then get back up and go again. This time with the knowledge of what went wrong in the first place. There you have it three motivational quotes from three legends all leading us to the words that created the whole format of the show Join Up Dots. These are words that quite literally changed my life, when they landed on my desk. Steve Jobs stood up in 2005 and gave an amazing speech to the graduates of Stanford. He framed the whole talk as "Three simple stories", and within these stories he supplied one of those motivational quotes that quite simply on their own will point you towards the future you want. He said "Again, you can\\u2019t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something \\u2014 your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." So amazingly true and important to really understand and digest. It all comes down to trust. You might trust yourself, someone else, God....its doesn\'t matter who you trust. But you have to trust that your work will come together. Jim, Oprah, Rocky and Steve provide amazing words individually, but combined they are a wow. An amazing blueprint to follow, for anyone who wants to have the dream life, love what they are doing and being in control of their hours and time. Therefore that is why we play these motivational quotes everyday, and highly likely will continue to play everyday. Thank you to Connor for posing this question, and thank you to everyone who listens to the show everyday. Appreciate you one and all.'