Motivation & Leadership

Published: Sept. 9, 2018, midnight

b'Todays guest on Join Up Dots is a man with a fascinating and somewhat intriguing branding of "The Suited Monk" Now if you are thinking "I can\'t remember the last time I saw a monk in a suit?" then let me explain more. How many times have you realised that you are living a life that is expected of you. The kind of life that was always on the cards due to your surroundings, parents, friends and a myriad of other outside influences. Well our guest today was considered to be successful in the corporate world at a young age by colleagues, friends and family. However, his personal life was anything but successful. He was deeply unhappy in his job, he was struggling to find a sense of purpose and meaning, and wanted more than anything to find happiness in his work and life environment. Modern society exerts a constant, subtle pressure to conform to the expectations of others, and to seek a version of success that is acceptable to the people around us but that does not necessarily meet our own most heartfelt needs and desires. Even if we manage to reach certain goals, the happiness they bring us rarely lasts long. Because they aren\'t truly what we want. How depressing is that...but so real to all of us too. So he did something about getting rid of this feeling, and got off the path that he was on and now spends most of his time speaking and teaching on the subject of authenticity in life. Finding the suited monk in all of us, where we can join our intuition, happiness, love, purpose, and life force (which is your inner Monk) with the external world of success and achievement (represented by the Suit you wear). Once you do that he believes that you will be able to close the gap and tap into the vast abundance that exists within you, both in your professional life and personal relationships. Wow, that sounds good doesn\'t it. So, how did he come up with the Monk aspect of this concept? And what did his family say when she said "Guys, I need to go out and do my own thing!" Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Raf Adams.'