Morning Motivation

Published: Jan. 1, 2018, midnight

b"My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is widely known as\\xa0the Morning Coach, with a daily podcast that has been downloaded over 22 million times. He is a sought-after motivational speaker and coach with an international following, he holds advanced degrees in business and metaphysics but credits his street education\\u2014from black eyes to near bankruptcy\\u2014with providing the life-changing lessons that inspired the keys to personal transformation he shares with audiences, coaching clients, and readers worldwide. Now that is the official blurb but what about the man himself. What lead him to be the go to morning person that the world is reaching out for? Well, he\\xa0thought he had found what he was looking for once he achieved a golden level of corporate success and financial freedom. He had money. He had status. But it wasn't enough, as he\\xa0realised having conquered the corporate ladder, he felt a strong pull to seek something more, leading him to actualize his personal dream. But what was his personal dream, as he it certainly turned out to be not what he was doing? Well, by aligning his mission, values, and goals, he\\xa0was able to form an action plan and achieve his vision of a fulfilling career of guiding others toward realizing their inner purpose balanced with his passions of family, golf, and writing\\u2014all with a three-hour workday. And this\\xa0journey prompted him\\xa0to write the popular book The Sacred Six: The Simple Step-by-Step Process for Focusing Your Attention and Recovering Your Dreams. This 5-star-rated book, the podcast and his overall outlook inspire others to be their best and change the world. So looking back was he actually on the wrong path, or did he need this false start to truly find the right one? And where do people go wrong, listening to others, or not listening to themselves? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only JB Glossinger. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with \\xa0such as: How he managed to turn himself from a night owl into the morning morning person, and the difference that has made to his outlook and fortune. Why JB feels that making people taking action and being hugely motivated is not his job to see through. He gives them the tools and then its up to them. JB shares the fact that almost everyday he screws up, and how he has learnt to not beat himself up by the fact of opportunities missed.\\xa0 and lastly\\u2026. JB reveals why he feels that he was so lucky to have a Columbian mountaineer on his side as he wife knows how you never get to the top of the highest peak that you aim for."