
Published: June 26, 2017, midnight

b'Morale in companies can be a huge problem and myy guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who currently runs a company called \\u201cHumans Working\\u201d, focused on 1-on-1 coaching with executives and managers; team-based (or even company-wide) workshops; and ongoing support, to help companies build loyalty and create environments that people love working in. A concept that is born within the Join Up Dots story that we will bring to you today. In 1997, when he was 24, he started an Internet software consulting company. While he knew that it\\u2019d be fun to create software in the early days of the Internet, his primary goal when starting the company was to create a fun atmosphere \\u2014 a clubhouse if you will \\u2014 that people would love coming to every day. They had a successful business for four years, not breaking any records, but they were profitable, provided very competitive salaries, great benefits, and a really fun atmosphere. Can all good things last? Well of course we hope that will always be the case, but in the case of our guest it wasn\\u2019t to be (at least not in the short term) After four years, their biggest client, because their promised second round of funding didn\\u2019t materialize, went out of business. With no money in the company bank account, less than $500 to his name, and a payroll of $40,000 due in 2 days, it was clearly time to shutter the doors. He summoned the team (of 10 guys at the time) to the conference room, and with tears, told them that I loved them, that we\\u2019d had a great run, but it was time to go home. And that is where we will start todays show, as there is nothing like a good cliffhanger to hook you from the start. So is it wise to look at the environment before anything else or is this going to lead to less productive, professional staff? And what was the biggest learning that he has taken away from the journey so far? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Naphtali Visser Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Naphtali Visser such as: How he managed to negotiate an amazing raise for all his employees when in fact the majority of the market place were looking for redundancies. Why Naf is a big exponent of the quiet mind. A problem will never resolve it self by thinking too much about the problem. Let the answer come to you. Why creativity is a major part of building amazing morale changes within a company, as long as we allow for mistakes to occur naturally. Allow staff to feel they are part of the business and not just employees. and lastly\\u2026. And relax, stay calm and allow things to happen naturally in your life. Relaxed action is always the best way to achieve greatness.'