Money For The Rest Of Us

Published: Oct. 19, 2018, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest, joining us today on the Join Up Dots entrepreneur podcast interview is the host of Money For the Rest of Us, one of the most downloaded podcasts for Investing in the world with over 6 million downloads. As he says \\u201cI help investors have enough to retire. Managing your own investments can be isolating at times. No one to talk shop with. Cheer you on. Reaffirm you\\u2019re doing the right thing. Help you not to overreact to the latest financial headlines. While I\\u2019ve managed billions of dollars professionally for institutional clients and co-led a large investment research team, I don\\u2019t do that anymore. Now my biggest financial challenge is the same as yours: making sure I have enough money to retire and that those resources last. Here\\u2019s the thing. We are better investors when we have a sounding board\\u2014 a community to share what we\\u2019re thinking, what we\\u2019re learning, the mistakes we make, and what we\\u2019re doing with our investments. Money For the Rest of Us is for people like you and me who aren\\u2019t relying on someone else to make sure we have enough to retire. We\\u2019ve taken control of our financial future. But just because you choose to manage your own investment portfolio doesn\\u2019t mean you have to do it alone. Let\\u2019s take this financial journey together.\\u201d Prior to launching his podcast, he was Chief Investment Strategist and Chief Portfolio Strategist at Fund Evaluation Group, LLC, a $33 billion investment advisory firm, where he co-headed the 21-person research group. He also co-founded the firm\\u2019s $2.2 billion asset management division where he developed its investment philosophy and process and was the lead portfolio manager. So is it a risky gaming investing, or one built on sure footing? And has a life of travel become the real wealth from creating his online business? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only David Stein Show Highlights During the entrepreneur podcast show we had deep hitting conversations with David Stein around subjects such as: David shares how it took him a few years to find his place in the online world after leaving his home job, and the steps he took to get there. Why David feels that batching his work is not the fit that suits him, although I think it is amazing and should be done at all costs. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026.. We discuss how any coach that is worth their weight in gold should be more focused on teaching more and more to their clients, in effect teaching themselves in the progress.'