Money Expert

Published: Feb. 3, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who has been on the show previously way back on episode 242 Where she spoke candidly about her journey of success, failure, struggles and self discovery For years, she suffered from a long list of physical, emotional, and financial problems. After giving away all her possessions, an extended spiritual journey connected her to the deeper parts of herself that led her to everything she needed to find health, well-being, and peace of mind. In the 1980s, she thought she was on the way to financial security as she rapidly built a wholesale, retail, and mail order business to the point where she was grossing over $30,000 a month. Sounds good doesn\\u2019t it, but her lack of business and financial skills led to her downfall\\u2014and bankruptcy. But although a dark period of her life, she knew that she lacked the knowledge to prevent this happening, so studied everything she could to ensure it wouldnt happen again She set out on the path of learning everything she could about business and financial management and this knowledge allowed her to flourish as an entrepreneur while sharing what she had learned with others. But there is so much more to her story, than we can cover in a short introduction like this. And now after her last appearance on Join Up Dots, she was inspired to put into words her decision to free herself up from all her material belongings in The Search For Connection: A Spiritual Journey to Physical, Emotional, And Financial health now flying off the shelves at Amazon. So what was it that made her want to reconnect with this part of her life that occurred over forty years ago now? And has it helped her even more, understand how the clues to her future are always somehow linked to her past? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Joan Sotkin.'