Mindset Coaching

Published: Nov. 14, 2016, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who as soon as he connected with me I thought "I need to have him on the show" First he is British, and you can\'t fail to love a bit of British can you? Secondly his email subject was simply "An Entrepreneur Who Lost His Mind" You can\'t fail to love a bit of Insane British can you? As he says "I\\u2019ve spent most of my life feeling sort of\\u2026 broken. Especially in the brain department. As a teenager and young adult, I was secretly crippled with social anxiety. Going into any social situation involving anyone I wasn\\u2019t super close to would, to put it technically, cause an internal shit storm. At one point I couldn\\u2019t even leave the house without getting embarrassing sweat stains under the arms, even in the dead of winter. After managing to bury all this deep inside me (cos that\'s what a \'real man\' does), I tried to somewhat get on with a normal adult life. I went to university, got a job, quit, got qualified as a personal trainer and embarked on a career in health and fitness that ended up with me owning my own studio. Then I hit a brick wall. Despite finally having a growing business that I\\u2019d worked my balls off for, I was miserable, overworked and monumentally lonely. In fact, I was depressed. So I gave up on what I thought was my dream business. I sold the equipment, referred all my lovely clients to other trainers and even sold my car and many other possessions. And I embarked on a journey to discover what the hell was going on in my head and heart that was preventing me from being that seemingly elusive combination of happy and successful. And when you listen to his podcast "The Enlightened Entrepreneurial Badasses" Podcast" episode one you can see that this is a guy who realises that you start with whats in your heart. And then program your brain to be able to achieve it. A quick two step, that is ready to be taken, is so simple, but so complicated at the same time. So when you hear this guy talk about the hustle he has taken to get his own business. The long hours it took. Was he always on a path to losing his mind, or could he have done something so different? And is he truly happy where he is, or is he still on the path to losing his mind, just in a different setting? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Michael Glover'