Mindset And Magic

Published: Jan. 7, 2019, midnight

b'Todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast is a lady who I have had the delight to spend time with as she interviewed me on her own podcast Pure Mind Magic recently. She has been fascinated by magic since early childhood, when she got\\xa0her first magic box at the tender age of seven.\\xa0 At the age of 15, Europe\'s largest magic association, the Magic Circle, became aware of her and a few years later\\xa0she had the honor to be included in this exclusive circle.\\xa0 In a male-dominated genre, our guest is still one of the few internationally recognized professional wizards, and\\xa0one of the most recognized and sought after magicians worldwide.\\xa0 But that\'s not all.\\xa0 The trained hypnotist and specialist in mental magic also deals with finding out how our mind is built.\\xa0 How our thoughts take shape in reality, whether parts of the future can be predicted which is of course a\\xa0mystery that remains as inexplicable as magic itself.\\xa0 As she says " We only use a small percentage of our mind. Ever wondered why some people seem to get along\\xa0very easy while others always struggle even with simple thing? The secrets to this mystery is in our\\xa0mind. We do have kind of a superpower with the abilities we possess. There are ways to train them\\xa0like muscle turning you into the mind magician of your own life and create the reality you always\\xa0wanted.\\xa0 So does these deep insights into the world work as well in the business world as the professional world of entertainment? And how does her business operate? How do clients come like magic into her life, instead of chasing month after month like most people in the world? Well\\xa0let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Victoria Mavis Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Victoria\\xa0 such as: Why the power of achievement is as much due to consistency as it is any god given talent. Victoria shares how the business side of things becomes so much easier, once you learn to fascinate your audience more than sell to them. We discuss how Quantum Physics can be used to astonishing effect day in day out simply by powering up the brain.\\xa0 and lastly\\u2026. We share how magic occurs everyday in life by being present and welcoming to the opportunities that come your way.'