
Published: July 3, 2017, midnight

b'Millionaires, and being a millionaire is a group that most of us wish we could be a part of. Well. my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who has quite the ride to where he is now, as an author, business owner and on a mission to help the world shift their mindset to one of abundance. Get us all to be millionaires His early days were not as anyone would want for a child growing up. A survivor of a childhood riddled with domestic violence and alcoholism in the rural foothills of southern Virginia, he worked hard to throw of the mental chains that had covered him, to become the millennial CEO and founder of executive consulting firm, Excel Global Partners (EGP) and the Fund Managing Principal of the EGP Family of Companies. It has taken grit and persistence to get his award-winning firm, Excel Global Partners, to the position where it has served multi-billion dollar and mid-market clients in 20 states and in more than 16 countries across the world. But as we say this wasn\'t just a case of someone deciding to do things in a different way and then magic occurring. He has to master his habits, routines, and consciousness to train his mindset to shift from the poverty consciousness that he learned as a child to an abundance consciousness as an adult\\u2013 and by doing so, became a multimillionaire. Today, he is having more fun than ever living the life of a purposeful millionaire with global reach. But this is probably the bit that I Love most about his story. For almost a decade, he quietly grew his business and his own personal development before ever setting out to coach or motivate anyone else, which believe me in today\'s world of "Hey i\'ve just quit my job and now I\'m a coach...come work with me", rarely ever happens. His book, The Purposeful Millionaire, is a best-selling guidebook of 52 rules that teaches people about mastering the millionaire mindset and getting the most out of life\\u2013doing more, living more, and achieving more! So is it the traumas in life, like the near drowning incident whilst kayaking the things that have taught him so much, or the everyday occurrences that most people just ignore, as life? And where could he imagine being today if he hadn\'t started working on what was going on inside, before ever trying to master the world outside? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr James Nowlin Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with James Nowlin such as: James shares how he has managed to get to his life to an eight on the happiness scale, and the steps he has taken to live this on a daily basis. James recalls how he had finally started to get the success once he had grasped that he had to learn more o then earn more. Self development is key for the progress he wanted. Why James believes that structuring your day with routines, gratitude and fitness regimes to really set yourself up for success in your business. So many people fail as they let themselves walk headfirst into burnout instead of doing the right work inside. and lastly\\u2026. Why pivoting in ones life is the key to gaining success. Nobody can expect to gain a foot on the right path straight out of the gate. But try things and you will find the thing that feels right.'