Million Dollar Mindset

Published: Sept. 3, 2018, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest, joining us today on the Join Up Dots podcast interview,\\xa0has a story of\\xa0resilience, perseverance, psychology and some strategy (with very high risk). Back in 2007 he founded the Result Based Training gym at the age of 27. This was going to be a huge success as all new ventures are thought to be, but the truth was very different. He soon found himself sleeping on the floor in the upstairs office (with his dog) where the gym was located in South Melbourne because he could not afford to pay the rent. Things were not looking good, his venture was going under and he could either fight back or join the masses of entrepreneurs with a sob story to share with the world. He decided to fight and went on\\xa0take one of the biggest risks of his business career. He needed an infrared sauna so started a Groupon campaign to sell vouchers to utilise the infrared sauna\\xa0in his gym. The only problem with this was; he did not have the sauna, and didn\\u2019t have the money to buy the sauna or pay his next month of rent that was due on the building!\\xa0\\xa0 This risk was one of the most riskiest moves he will admit to, but it paid off!\\xa0 Within 10 days, he sold 800 vouchers, generating the money he needed to buy the sauna and pay the month of rent that was almost due. Stating, \\u201cIn that moment, I knew in order to survive, I had to commit to always think outside the square, to lead, not follow.\\u201d Fast forward to today, and Result Based Training is now a $10million dollar business, with over 90 staff members, and over 20 locations across Australia, with additional locations in the US. Put simply in his own words, \\u201cFind your passion, reverse engineer the shit out of it, and go get it!\\u201d Since then he has gone on to become the Founder of multiple successful business ventures and a foundation and quite simply looks like he is loving life. So with Gary Vee stating recently that entrepreneurship is found in the DNA, would he consider himself born to this life or just good at finding the doors when trapped? And with bigger and bolder actions and entrepreneurial ventures filling his days, does he ever look back on the floor with the dog and think "Actually life was so much simpler then?" Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Travis Jones Show Highlights During the show we had deep hitting conversations around subjects such as: Travis reveals why it is so important to know your "Why" right at the beginning, because more often than not its not what you are going after for sure. Costing staff that can push you forward is one of the most valuable things you can do for your business Why even though you may feel that you want a life that is free and loose maybe the wrong thing and will hold you back from ever getting it. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026.. Travis reveals the steps of reversing engineering, and why he doesn\'t set goals without a clearly defined route back to its source.'