Micro Famous

Published: Feb. 26, 2020, midnight

b'Introducing Matt Johnson Matt Johnson is a marketer, entrepreneur, podcast expert, and musician who joins us on the Join Up Dots podcast. Matt runs a podcast PR & production agency based in San Diego, an international team that helps business coaches and consultants break in and dominate their niche through podcasting. Matt currently hosts niche business podcasts and recently launched the\\xa0Podcast Pitch Assistant\\xa0program to help experts get pitched to podcasts consistently without doing any of the backend work themselves. He is a frequent podcast guest and event speaker to audiences around the US, Canada, and Australia. But that is just a bit of what he does as he says "Right now, there is a group of people running the business of their dreams. Building an audience, working with clients they love, and serving them profitably. How The Dots Joined Up For Matt They are thought leaders in their field. Are they famous? Depends on who you ask. They aren\\u2019t signing autographs at the grocery store. They aren\\u2019t taking selfies every five minutes. They aren\\u2019t trying to be everywhere on social media. Yet when they show up at industry events and conferences, they are recognized and sought after. What\\u2019s their secret? They have become famously influential to the right people. And so can you. My mission through the MicroFamous podcast, upcoming book and our podcast agency is to launch new thought leaders into the world. MicroFamous gives you a new strategy to attract an audience, build influence and create ideal clients - systematically. So you can teach, train and lead people without being locked into a business you hate. So what does it take to be micro-famous online in today\'s over saturated world? And where do people go wrong, focusing in on quantity or quality? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Matt Johnson Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Matt Johnson such as: Why it is so important to find a deep niche and go with a subject that isn\'t saturated or main stream. The riches are in the niches. Matt shares why he is reluctant to travel the world and attend conferences preferring to be famous in his own tight community. Why there is a ground swell of people now who are dropping away from using social media and focusing on the smallest crowd possible. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026 We wax lyrical at the bad advice that people are receiving when it comes launch a podcast, and what we would do to make it different.'