
Published: Aug. 20, 2017, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest is a man who started really making momentum in his life in the simplest of ways. He heard a quote that we have heard so many times in life, and more than once on Join Up Dots and this time he was ready for the message. At the beginning of 2014, he heard Jim Rohns quote, \\u201cyou are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with\\u201d and found that this quote would transform his life! Since then, he has focused on surrounding himself with people who are where he wanted to be in 10-15 years, and what a difference it has made! And in just twelve months he has since seen his income slashed by 40% and being surrounded by the wrong people, to being directly advised by the CEO\\u2019s of major companies. And these are guys that are rocking and rolling and really doing amazing stuff, such as the CEO of the sports agency the movie Jerry Maguire was based, the founder of the Make-A-Wish Foundation to name just two. But the great thing about this is that this isn\\u2019t a guy who has all the time in the world, as he doing all of us whilst holding down a steady job. So how has he done all of this and still managed to hold down his daily job? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show, to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Geoff Woods. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics as: How we have to find the domino in our life, where one push can knock many thousands of dominos and bring massive impact to our lives. How every person can go out and find a mentee that is at the top of their game, and provide the value back to them. You don\\u2019t need to be scared. Why it is so important to detach yourself from the outcome of what you are working towards, and simply get out there and try things. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026.. How he remembers not feeling good at school, and being bullied but knows that it has taught him to be resilient in later life.'