Melissa Krivachek: A Lady Who Knows How To Remove The Obstacles That Stop Success

Published: May 31, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest wrote her own introduction. Normally, I compose the words that I use to bring them into the show, but this lady has talent flowing from every finger tip, so when I read her website About me page I can I improve on that. So let me simply tell you about her in her own words, as we discuss how she\\xa0become so fortunate to find love, create success, and have an incredible amount of happiness in her life. She wasn\'t born with a silver spoon in her mouth, her parents were never rich and probably never will be, so it wasn\'t easy to gain success in her life. In fact, it required many late nights and early mornings, heartache and pain, hardship and sorry, but most importantly it required being ballsy. It required her getting out of her own way, never giving up even though life was brutal far more times than she anticipated. It required an unwavering commitment to success, an unbelievable amount of faith, and a serious belief in herself and her value. How could I write something better than that now really? She has been captivating, inspiring and motivating entrepreneurs across the globe since her early twenties. Chosen as Evolution Magazines 2013 Power Player Under 40, and featured on CNN, Forbes, Yahoo Finance, and receiving dozens of other accolades, as her passion for personal growth resonates with audiences looking for more fulfillment in all aspects of life and business. She is the author of "Be-Ballsy! How Not To Suck At Love, Success & Happiness" & "Be A Baller! The Blueprint To Have It All" She states "I Love teaching audiences how to break-thru self-limiting beliefs so they can have it all, all at the same time!" So lets get some live words flowing from her mouth, in the same passionate way that her fingers deliver as I introduce to you the one and only motivational powerhouse that is Melissa Krivacheck.'