Meditation, Medicine And The Rise Of The Female Entrepreneur With Dr Michele Summers Colon

Published: March 16, 2016, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest joining us Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business lady who is content to wear many different hats everyday. But unlike the rest of us entrepreneurs who also wear multiple hats, and can\\u2019t wait to get rid of them at the end of the day, she seems to thrive on pure entrepreneurship. She is has many jobs, as she is a physician, surgeon, yoga health coach, author and overall health & wellness expert, today\\u2019s guest is known as The Holistic Podiatrist of Southern California and has been interviewed and quoted in many prominent publications. One of her greatest strengths is her ability to combine the best of Eastern and Western medicine to treat the whole patient and create individualized treatment plans, yoga sequences, and meal plans for her clients and patients. She believes that food is medicine and that yoga, and meditation are the keys to perfect health. And I suppose being based in Los Angeles she is at the epicentre of what we consider the home of healthy lifestyles and celebrity glamour. So does she find that the pressure to look and feel like a million dollars actually causes people to go about it the wrong way? And how does she overcome those days that we all have when she just wants to crawl under the duvet and eat a box of chocolates all by herself? And what was the key thing that made her ultimately take the leap of faith and go it alone? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only super entrepreneur Dr Michele Summers Colon.'