
Published: May 31, 2017, midnight

b'Media and getting noticed in the media is a hard game to crack. However my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who spent over a decade working in an environment that ultimately left her looking for a new future (although with the media skills to make that future happen) Starting her career at News 12 The Bronx after leaving Ohio University with a BA in Public Affairs and Journalism she worked her way up through the ranks in television. She performed the roles of Reporter, Producer, Host, Web Editor, Fill-In Anchor, Media Relations Specialist for ABC News, CBS News, NBC News the list goes on and on. All the time her confidence was soaring, her experience was becoming broader and broader and her future was waiting. As she says "I worked as a TV reporter for a decade who was pitched numerous times a day by publicists. Most of the time, I didn\\u2019t read more than two sentences of what the \\u201cPR person\\u201d sent. What they sent was too long, didn\\u2019t have anything to do with what I covered, wasn\\u2019t newsworthy, didn\\u2019t relate to the geographical area I covered, and the list goes on. They all wanted a free commercial for their client. Because of this, I decided to leave the news business and do that job - but better. And she has certainly done that, becoming the owner of Media Maven, a full service public relations firm providing services in: Media Relations, Media Training, Still Photography, Video Production, Social Media, Writing, Blogging, Event & On-Air Hosting, Branding, Website Design, Graphic Design, and Search Engine Optimization. If you want to grow your personal brand in the right way, then this is the place you come. So did she need every bit of her ten years experience to get to where she is today, or could she have cut corners here and there? And what is the scariest bit of becoming a business owner, the doing, or in fact the thinking of everything that you need to do? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Christina Nicholson Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Christina Nicholson such as: How she managed to hold back from kissing David Beckham, and why she feels that all British David\'s are super hot!! Why it is so important to be as specific with your conversations with your customers as you could possibly be...the more niche the rich you will get. Why it is so important to understand the nuts and bolts of everything you do in your life, before delegating that part of the business to someone else. and lastly\\u2026. Christina recalls the moment that changed her life and that was the moment when she decided to stop caring what people thought about her. Total game changer'