Maximize Your Strengths

Published: March 4, 2018, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who you might mistake for Superwoman and if you do, you won\\u2019t be alone. She is regularly featured on television news segments, inside major blogs and publications, and on podcasts from all over the globe. She\\u2019s an accomplished Success Coach, Speaker, host of the Maximize Your Strengths podcast, as well as published Author of the hot new book; From Frustrated to Frickin\\u2019 Awesome: 4 Steps to Achieve the Success You\\u2019re Wired For. But more than anything else she\\u2019s an exceedingly proud wife and mother of two, who loves helping others discover how to make their businesses and relationships thrive in harmony. But this was as far from her starting point as you can possibly imagine. Graduating from St Catherine University with a post baccalaureate certificate in Nursing, she entered into the medical profession as a Clinical Dietitian and Registered Nurse before a four year stint as a beauty consultant for Mary Kay So from my viewpoint, she has always had a nurturing side to her character, wanting people to look and feel as good as they can right from the outset. And so you can see that where she is now, is as far away as she could be, but also very similar in concept, she has found a way to maximise her strengths, provide more value to the world and enjoy herself in the process. As she says \\u201cWhile I\\u2019ve always been interested in self-development, in the last 9 years, I dove into investment in my training, self-improvement, and coaching. In addition to classroom style learning, I\\u2019ve gained valuable knowledge from seminars, home-coaching programs, group-coaching programs, one-on-one coaching relationships, books, self-study, and real-life successes and failures. My clients benefit from all of that education and experience wrapped into one business coach!\\u201d So people you find what you want to do naturally, your unique strength, up-skill yourself and then solve the problems of others in that area. Seems simple doesn\\u2019t it? So if this is the blueprint for success, why do so many people struggle with finding their way through the pain and scarcity to make a success of their lives? And when was the moment when she sat bolt upright in bed and screamed \\u201cErueeerka I know what I should be doing in my life!!\\u201d Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Alissa Daire Nelson Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Alissa Daire Nelson such as: Why getting to know yourself is so vitally important if you ever want to be the greatest version of yourself that you can possibly be. Why Alissa feels that there is always another devil in another level and it doesnt matter where you are on the jounrey there are scary times ahead. Why masterminds are so uber powerful and an extremely cost effective way to keep you on track and focused on the right results. and lastly\\u2026. Why stability in ones life is so familiar and comfortable, and why all entrepreneurs have moments of thinking \\u201cWouldn\\u2019t it be easier just to get a job?\\u201d'