Marketing, Sales & Business Success

Published: Aug. 21, 2020, midnight

b"Cody Butler is the #1 Best Selling Author of \\u201cGot Attitude\\u201d and \\u201cThe 90 Day marketing Plan\\u201d. Cody is widely accepted as one of the world's leading experts on Small Business marketing and Business Growth He\\u2019s been featured on Fox, ABC and NBC and has consulted for multinational corporations, sporting stars and marketing celebrities. Cody\\u2019s worked with over 5000 businesses to date, and his latest project, \\u201cThe 90 Day Marketing Plan\\u201d is designed to help Small Business Owners create an effective marketing plan...even in these difficult times. But the reason I wanted to have him on the show was these simple statements that appeared on his website regarding his mentality to online and offline business. We\\u2019re building a business, not a fantasy, so if you currently make nothing and your question is \\u201cCan I get to $100K per month in 6 months?\\u201d. The answer is\\xa0\\u201cNO\\u201d! How The Dots Joined Up For Cody If those are your type of questions, this is not for you. If your question is \\u201cIf I implement like a MoFo can you get me to the next level?\\u201d. The answer is\\xa0\\u201cYES\\u201d\\xa0We\\u2019re going to get along just fine ???? There are no shortcuts to success, only wise paths, and there\\u2019s no such thing as\\xa0\\u201cGet Rich Quick\\u201donly\\xa0\\u201cGet Poor Quick\\u201d. Seriously hard work, dedication and expert guidance is the formula for success. If you can bring the first two qualities, I don\\u2019t care if you\\u2019re a complete beginner or a guru, I can work with you and it\\u2019s going to be a beautiful thing! So did he ever get seduced by shiny gadgets and GRQ schemes before realising that a plan, focus and commitment were the key. Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Cody Butler. Show Highlights Cody tells the story of when things clicked for him as a young man wanted a bicycle. Why you get paid based on the results that you provide to the market place not what you think you are worth. Why Cody writes down two hugely powerful statements every morning that he wants to achieve and sets out to do them both. Why the only way to being any good at making money is to get in-front of clients and prospects. Unless you turn up to the chat you wont close the deals. and lastly........ Why it's important to stop saying yes to everyone and just become an expert on one thing."