Marketing Agency

Published: Nov. 9, 2016, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man, who unlike so many people really started creating his dream as soon as he could. He left school at 16, with no network and no idea what he would do. He just knew he couldn\\u2019t keep going through the motions anymore. Even though it was extremely scary, he had to forge his own path, to start living the life that he wanted, on his own terms. As he says "I\'ve always been a believer in doing what you love and building life on your terms. And since leaving school at 16, I\'ve been doing that with my life. Since then, I\\u2019ve done two programs with Seth Godin, played in professional poker tournaments, traveled through 10 countries in 2 years, and started a marketing agency in Singapore with clients such as Wacoal Singapore and QuickBooks Asia. Now, I host PassionBlueprint, where I share the stories of people who have taken the step out to do what they love - to inspire and help others do the same. It seems as if our guest has 100% the same belief as your friendly neighbourhood UK Podcaster, who sees a world that is just going through the motions And why should you do that, when you have the ability connect with people across the world that you have have never had before. You have the use of technology at your fingerprints more powerful than we have ever had before? And we have more people showing us the way to build a life of your dreams, if you only decide on what you want to do! Well lets ask some questions then, such as.... Why at the age of 16 did he feel that he had been coasting, when I would suggest that the world is expected to coast at that age, and just stumble into a job, any job? And now he has done it, does he see an easier path that he could have taken, or was the work ethic required to really get where he wanted to be? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Derrick Kwa'