Making Your Business FIT For Purpose

Published: May 17, 2019, midnight

b'Greg Barth is today\'s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast interview. This was a man who was a great inspiration to me at the start of the show. Back when I launched I was looking around the worldwide web searching for that X factor. That thing when the person seemed to love their life as much as their job. And their job as much as their life fact they combine so well that it all becomes playtime. That is when you are really cooking on gas. Well today\'s guest wasn\'t always in that kind of place for sure, as back in 2009 things were very different As he says " A very big shift happened for me on October 5th, 2009. \\xa0 \\xa0 How The Dots Joined Up For Greg Barth That was the day I decided I want to make big changes in my life. \\xa0 Fast forward to today and I am now fit, think totally different, and a divorced dad to 2 daughters after 18 years of marriage. \\xa0 It\\u2019s been quite the roller coaster ride but as i look back, I now know why each event happened and the challenges that I needed to face. \\xa0 Each one of them made me a better version of myself and they continue to do so now. \\xa0 I know what it feels like to be lethargic with little zest for life and just going through the motions. \\xa0 I see things very different and know the endless possibilities and that is what I want to give to others. \\xa0 I want that for YOU as well." As we say on Join Up Dots everyday "by joining up the those dots and connecting our pasts it\'s the best way to build our futures" So is he still connecting those dots, or is it now all about moving on into easier and more enjoyable days? And when he was in his darkest area of life, what truly started him on this road? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Greg Barth \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Greg Barth such as: Greg shares how his business operates now when he tries his best to "follow the fun" which has been a game change for him. Why we both believe that just because you can do something it doesn\'t mean that you should go ahead and do it. Why it\'s so hard to present reality in the online world, whilst still inspiring to follow suit and have a go. And lastly......... Why a business really grows when you focus 100% on building relationships. Its the value in the relationship that really make a difference.'