Making The Impossible Possible

Published: Nov. 4, 2019, midnight

b'Introducing Steve D Sims Today\'s guest is a man who screams loud and proud "If there\'s no passion there\'s no point!" He is the visionary founder of Bluefish: the world\\u2019s first luxury concierge that delivers the highest level of personalized travel, transportation, and cutting-edge entertainment services to corporate executives, celebrities, professional athletes, and other discerning individuals interested in living life to it\'s fullest. So what does that mean in real terms? Well.... He closed a museum in Florence for a private dinner party for 6 at the feet of Michelangelo\\u2019s David and had Andrea Bocelli come in and serenade the guests He can get you to see the Titanic from a submarine. Becoming James Bond for a weekend in Monte Carlo Hanging out and jamming with celebrity recording artists, such as Guns & Roses drummer Matt Sorum and playing guitar with ZZ Top\\u2019s Billy Gibbons What makes this all the more remarkable is he started a world away from rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous of the world. Born in 1966 he grew up as a bricklayer from London, before in\\xa0n 1980, he started a stockbroker job in London, where he worked for about 6 months. Eventually, he was transferred to Hong Kong where he was fired in 1 days. How The Dots Joined Up For Steve After losing his stockbroking job, Steve D Sims stayed in Hong Kong where he worked as a Doorman for a Night Club in the area, where he went to parties and met their attendees, forming the network that would initially support Bluefish. As he says "It\'s not what you know, it\'s who you know" This is not your typical entrepreneur wearing flash suits and standing by the side of Lear Jets saying look at me. This is a man who does things his way, wears his own style and makes things happen by being himself As Elton John Said "Steve Sims defines what it means to be your authentic self" So was there a time that he felt you had to do what others are doing to make the life for yourself? And what would he wish for, if he became a client of Bluefish himself for a day? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Steve D Sims. Show Highlights During today\'s show we discussed such weighty subjects with Steve D Sims Steve shares his hatred of being called authentic but instead loving being transparent. Slight difference in how we look at things, but it makes such a difference. We talk about the turmoil that most entrepreneurs that go through your life fighting to the "Ignorant to the potential of failing" has been the framework of what has made Steve who he is today. Can you say honestly that you have the same mindset? and lastly....... Steve shares how he found the truth of mentorship in his earlier life. If someone can show you the way to a better life, quicker then why wouldnt you seek out a mentor?'