Make Money Online

Published: Aug. 30, 2017, midnight

b'How To make money online is what the world is searching for. But what should you do if our have a website that is leaking money bigtime. Well my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who since starting his career has worked tirelessly to lift the hood of internet and find out what is going on behind the scenes. Since the advent of the commercial internet, he has collected research, reviewed and plotted thousands of websites across thousands of business to see what they are doing well, and what they are doing badly. He now has tens of thousands of data points that have given him the ability to identify what he calls the 8 Money Draining Mistakes. These are the things that literally cause a website to leak serious money\\u2026every day. And now he teaches companies and organizations how to fix them\\u2026and how to fix them immediately. And it appears that the world is full of leaky websites that are doing a fraction of what they should be doing in regards to monetixing, lead generation or simply connecting with customers and keeping them as customers. These are the things that really matter because they increase financial return on investment in the digital world by 200 to 500 percent or more in 12-months or less. And all of this can be done without needing technical skills. He \\xa0is host of the Onward Nation podcast,\\xa0CEO of Predictive ROI, and a digital marketing authority, speaker, educator, and bestselling author two books,\\xa0The Small Business Owner\\u2019s Handbook to Search Engine Optimization\\xa0and\\xa0Increase Online Sales through Viral Social Networking. So what made the young man with such entrepreneurial spirit enter in the US Air force for four years, as a Senior Airman? And are all his websites fully leak proof, or like every mechanic in the world, is he driving around in something falling to pieces? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Stephen Woessner'