Make Changes For An Entrepreneur Daily Burst Of Inspiration

Published: March 14, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is an English author, who believes totally that "Small Habit Changes Lead To Massive Results Over Time." But he didn\'t start his career by putting pen to paper, and delivering book after book to the shelves of Amazon and other popular book shops. No instead he spent many years studying Chinese martial arts, was a professional firefighter, entrepreneur, and a UK based Certified Personal Trainer and Sports & Exercise Nutrition Coach, gaining this nutritional qualifications from the esteemed Precision Nutrition. But you might think that means that he is a self development nut, looking for the ultimate version of himself. But no think again. Because as we see time and time again, that when someone focuses in on improving themselves it will more often that not lead to them looking to share their knowledge with the world. And he is no different, as he has found a passion and a commitment for educating people on the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. He gets huge amounts of joy and satisfaction from educating people on the benefits of living a healthy, vibrant, meaningful, and playful life. So did he always want to be the finest physical specimen that he could make himself? And what is the biggest mistake that people make in trying to get their own momentum going. Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Stephen Reed'