Love Changes Everything

Published: Jan. 1, 2017, midnight

b'Todays guest on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a fellow podcaster who has a great mission in life. He is a man who is an expert in helping couples find the spark in their once vibrant relationships. He helps build bridges where there are chasms to cross. He inspires conversation where there is simply silence. And he encourages bedroom passions, where there are just snores and sleeping. But if this sounds like a man who has lived a life of perfect relationships and harmonious connections then think again. As he says \\u201cEarly in life, I learned about the heartache that comes when love doesn\\u2019t work. Coming into this world, I was fatherless, and the youngest of three. Life in Medellin, Colombia wasn\\u2019t easy. My Mother was 25 years old, addicted to cocaine, and didn\\u2019t have any interest in taking care of her three kids. When I was five years old my Mother was murdered. I was homeless for three years until I was finally adopted. My life was transformed! I had a Mother, Father, and was surrounded by a loving family in America. Soon after though, my adopted parents divorced. I was left confused and feeling like I couldn\\u2019t rely on love. I made up my mind that love doesn\\u2019t last and turned to spirituality for the connection I was seeking. For nearly a decade, I devoted my life to becoming a monk. My path into spirituality taught me a great deal\\u2014But no matter how much I learned there was something missing. That all changed when I met my first love. With her I found what I was searching for. I found someone I could be completely authentic and open with and someone who could see all of me. Falling in love was one of the most amazing experiences. It was much more than any meditation or spiritual experience could offer. Then she broke my heart and left.\\u201d So he has had some serious moments in his life, which could have left him saying \\u201cWhy me?\\u2026.What\\u2019s the point in loving?\\u201d But instead he has been left with \\u201cHow can I help you?\\u201d Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs in todays Free podcast, with the one and only Luis Congdon. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics as: How he now feels that there is no such thing that can fall into the camp of impossible, and its simply up to him to find the way to achieve his dreams. How he loves that he can now surround himself with the movers and shakers of the world and is surprised by the skill he has for networking. How he had one really bad night with his peer group, which affected him to such a degree that his life was never going to be the same again. How he is very aware of trying to learn from the people who have developed their zone of genius by researching the work ethic that got them to where they want to be. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026.. How Richard Branson has mastered the ability of separating himself from the processes that most entrepreneurs get caught up with, and brings his true value to the table everyday.'