Living Social

Published: April 18, 2018, midnight

b"My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a\\xa0Financial industry influencer. Popular social media speaker. Author. A creative force in financial services marketing who every single time aims to make their clients marketing unforgettable. And who would have thought that this all\\xa0started when she was just five, selling her very own homemade rose-petal perfume in baby food jars, door-to-door. ShoeFitts is a consulting organization at heart, a\\xa0training partner,\\xa0who translates social media, branding, generational issues, business strategy and marketing into manageable steps for their clients. But what about the guest, i hear you cry....tell us more about her? Well, she debuted in the financial services industry as an award-winning graphic designer, progressed to participant curriculum design, and advanced to sales and marketing before stepping out on her own as a consultant and speaker. With more than 25 years of industry experience in her pocket, our guest collaborates with retirement plan advisors, third-party administrators, and financial service organizations to help them leverage marketing tools, social media strategy tactics, and meaningful connections. And this is a key thing to gain greater and greater success. Know your market, know their problems and niche down tightly to become the go to expert for that group. She has received awards and recognition from the\\xa0Plan Sponsor Council of America,\\xa0Pension and Investments;\\xa0National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators; and the\\xa0International Association of Business Communicators. So was it simply a case of trying out different roles until she found the one that fits? And where do people go wrong in their own marketing...making it all about them, or just confusing the message? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Sheri Fitts Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Sheri Fitts such as: We discuss how social media is such a noise nowadays, and what platforms she has chosen to focus her energy into. Sheri shares her top three strategies to building meaningful connections on LinkedIn that works for her business. We chat about buying the best talent you can in your business to make growth and scale more and more achievable.\\xa0\\xa0 and lastly\\u2026. Sheri reveals how she broke rules of business as a small girl as she didn't realise that there were rules to follow. She went out and made things happen."